शनिबार, १२ साउन २०८१

Who is responsible for missing copy of 195 students?

आइतबार, २५ असार २०७४

Last week,  most of the newspapers published the news of missing answer copy of final exam .  The students of Public Youth campus surprised when they found this reality. It’s not only the first time of negligence by Tribhuwan University. The mountain of negligence and careless by TU has been challenging the Mount Everest but TU repeats one blunder after another mistakes. This time 195 students were waiting their result and they found the notice of missing signature in the exam at first . Again, the Campus tried and answered the students for next exam.

What a shame !  No responsibility ? Not only one.  In a campus, if someone’s exam form misses , the guardians and students demands the chief’s resignation with hard insult without any mistake but here, where those guardians and student-leaders are .  There must be something behind it otherwise they would do anything at least. There must be more questions.

In the remote areas and outsides of the valleys, the teachers, chiefs, committee and the non- teaching staff are compelled to face the public insults and much hardships due to the weak and careless policy of TU.  Certainly, TU is guardian of more than 400 community colleges and 60 constituent campuses. The guardian must give the guardianship in practice not only on the name and documents. Missing registrations, mark-sheets, changing subjects and the results, etc, are the common negligence of OCE –TU. 

The stakeholders are looking such events and incidents as the regular sun-rises. TU is very far from own campuses and their news. TU sees only the few colleges in Kathmandu valley. How a campus in Karnali zone is facing the problems creating by TU in the case of admission, registration, exam and result besides the missing of answer- copy. 

There is not system of regularity to handle the exam and result despite the academic plan showing in the notices. We do not find fair- checking system of the answer copy by the experts and   the situation of missing answer-copy repeats again and again. In the name of freedom, TU is losing own credit by such treats playing the game on the heads of university students.

The campuses expect supports, monitoring and evaluation from TU but they never see own guardian in own compounds. These type of campuses never get the chances to share the ideas and own realities each other even in the cases of regular grants which they get by UGC directly. We are worried that the decreasing TU’s credit in the whole scenario of university education. At last, we never  expect such irresponsible situation by TU. 

There must be the provision of hard punishment for such mistakes so that OCE-TU and other concerning personalities never repeat such careless. Again, we expect fair result of the students as soon as possible.
