शनिबार, १२ साउन २०८१

New radio programme on public education

सोमबार, १५ जेठ २०७४

Kathmandu - A new radio programme entitled ‘Hamro Sikshya’ will come into air this week to discuss on opportunities of public education in the new federal setup.

The programme aims to facilitate the opportunities provided by the constitutional right which authorises the right to local bodies for managing the high school level education.

P & P Multimedia, a mother organisation of says the radio programme will focus on strengthening public education through the mobilisation and management of local resources. It has said that the programme aims to improve the quality of public education and enable debate on the responsibilities that the local government should undertake towards achieving that goal.

Action Aid Nepal will support the production of the radio programme which will be aired by three different radio stations across the country from May 30. Radio Paschim Today based in Dhangadi, Kailali will broadcast the programme every Tuesday 7:30 am while Radio Doti in Doti and Radio Taha Sanchar in Kathmandu will air the programme after 8 am every Tuesday, according to a statement by P & P Multimedia.

The radio programme can also be tuned from and listened through aneroid app Edunepal.
